We test and bring you the latest technology in
growing organic vegetables and fish in perfect
balance. Why implement this system in your
greenhouse? This system provides the best
balance and growth for your plants and fish,
giving you multiple lines of income not only
from plants but your fish as well. With this
system, you grow organic plants and fish
that have no pesticides or fertilizers providing
the finest tasting produce.
We have spent years developing the best
solutions for optimum growth of both fish and
plants resulting in the ideal system to provide
the maximum amount of produce. Greens and
vegetables are certified organic and nutrition
and flavor are significantly enhanced by freshness with a longer shelf life.
Why Aquaponics in Canada?
Aquaponics provides a unique yet extremely effective way to produce a high-quality harvest. The science behind how we utilize the fish waste to improve the quality of vegetation is truly amazing.
We actually convert the ammonia that the fish produces into nitrate and nitrite that fertilizes and feeds the plants.
Our intricate filtration system is scientifically designed to convert the maximum nutrients needed in order for our plants to flourish. Our revolutionary system uses state of the art technologies to create the best and most ideal environment for your success in aquaponics.
By providing a ready to go plug & play system that is easy for anybody to use, we are able to make cutting edge aquaponics systems available to anybody anywhere.
Results from plants tested inside of a greenhouse, these plants were planted on the same day with exactly the same environment. One was grown in aquaponics and the other in hydroponics.
Media or NOT in a raft system?
When considering aquaponics it’s important to choose a growing system that ensures optimal results for what you’re trying to produce. There are two main systems that you can choose from. The first of these is the floating raft system. This system is absolutely great for salads or any leafy greens that do not bear fruit. If you are going to grow something that bears fruit it needs a strong root system to support the plant. The growing media system is best for these plants. This is because the roots actually have something solid to build a strong root system with.
It’s important to us that your system work flawlessly, we will work closely with you in determining this and optimizing your growth potential based on the crops you are choosing to grow.
Health Benefits of Tilapia
Beneficial in weight loss
Boosts brain health and immune system
Improve bone health and prevents osteoporosis
Help reduce symptoms of aging
Reduces risk of cancer such as prostate cancer
Supports muscle growth and cellular repair
Helps lower cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels
These are just some of the health benefits you realize when eating tilapia when Tilapia is raised in a natural way with proper feed.
We breed high-quality white, blue and hybrid fingerlings. We mix the white and blue to get the best of both worlds in one fish. The whites have bigger fillets and grow faster where the blues are smaller but they are harder for a colder climate. We combine these fish to get a bigger fillet and fast growing fish that is still hardier to the colder temperatures.
What makes us different?
By using a tiered system we use as much as possible space to grow plants on not waste space on walkways. Doing this gives us the maximum grow space in your location. In a 4000sqft facility, this system will give you 2500sqft of grow space.
We also have a tower system that we have tried and tested that works really good
Our Canadian Aquaponics System
In order to make small greenhouses financially feasible, and maximize profits in larger operations, it is necessary to maximize growing space within the greenhouse. Greenhouse benchmarking as long been based on revenues and profits per square foot of greenhouse.

Tilapia don't ask for much. In fact, they only have five
basic needs: clean water, oxygen, food, light and room to
Give your tilapia these things, and they will stay healthy
and grow fast. The art of tilapia farming is to understand
each of these needs, and then find a way to provide them
in sufficient quantities. The problem is, that each of these
five needs comes with a myriad of potentially complicated
questions, and solutions.
Make sure that you are willing to drink from your water source before you give it to your tilapia.
Put new water into a transfer container, for further treatment, before adding it to your pond.
Make sure that the temperature is the same as to what your tilapia are already accustomed.
Use DeChlor to remove chlorine and reduce heavy metals in new water, before it is introduced into your tilapia pond.
Do not rely on time to remove chlorine from your water.
Adjust the pH of the water in your transfer container and your pond to ideal before you introduce the new water to your tilapia.
Water temperature influences oxygen content
The light influences oxygen content
Decomposition depletes oxygen
Maximize surface aeration before considering alternatives
18 hours of light per day, using a combination of sunlight and electric light, that stays on until midnight. Why? Because the longer that tilapia have light, the longer they will stay active; the more they will eat, and the faster they will grow.
1 fish for every 2.5 gallon
Pre-Filters: Also referred to in this guide as a coarse filter, is nothing more than a barrier that traps undissolved solids as water passes through. If you are using a swirl trap, then the pre-filter will serve as a secondary trap for solids that have a neutral buoyancy, or otherwise escape. If you aren't using a swirl trap, then your pre-filter must be designed to handle a large amount of solid material. Drum filters are the most common types of pre-filters found on medium and large tilapia farms. Some drum filters are the size of city buses, while others are not much bigger than a recliner; it all depends on the amount of solid material being produced by the tilapia. Don’t be afraid to use your own ingenuity when it comes to pre-filters. There is nothing magical about commercially produced filtration systems. If you have the skills to make your own, by all means, go for it. A good analog for a pre-filter is nothing more than a bucket, with holes drilled in the bottom, filled with polyester pillow stuffing, suspended over the pond, and a pump to drop water through it. Of course, this isn’t very practical, because it would be time-consuming to service, and there are other filtration steps that need to happen, but the analogy is still accurate.
Aquaponics Point: You are running an aquaponics system to grow vegetables, not a fish sewage treatment plant. Do not allow any solid wastes to enter your grow beds. Always use a settling tank or swirl filter to remove as many undissolved solid particles as you can, before they make it to your plants.
Note: I have taken a little bit of criticism for the aquaponics point above. Purists will tell you to go ahead and allow the fish poop to enter the grow beds and use worms to compost the poop. My response is that I stand by my advice, especially for large commercial growers. To find out why
start with an Internet search for "the effects of food grown in the presence of animal feces".
Fine-particle filters: Use a bead filter, sand filter, diatomaceous earth filter, or in-line water filter right after your pump, to trap dissolved solids. They are very effective at removing the particles that are too small to be trapped by any other filtration step. On a small scale, fine-particle filtration might not be necessary, due to the relatively low volume of water. This is especially true if you set up a pre-filter consisting of a swirl trap, followed by some compressed polyester pads. The biggest worry with this configuration will be an increased level of tannins and possibly phenols. In commercial tilapia farming, fine-particle filters are fitted between the water pump and the final water sterilization and polishing.
Biological filter: Not really a filter at all, its only purpose is to provide a large surface area on which nitrifying bacteria can grow. A box, with water in the bottom, and some bio media, provides plenty of surface area for bacteria colonies to develop. If you want, you can put some bio media above the water to allow aerobic nitrifying bacteria to take hold. There are a few design tricks to keeping a constant water level inside a plastic box, but it’s nothing that you can’t figure out if you decided to make your own. Biological filters should not need much servicing. In fact, you should avoid messing with them at all unless you notice that they are restricting the flow of water. This is why we prefer the wet/dry system, as opposed to the sand filters - the clear plastic makes it easy for us to see what is happening inside the biofilter.
Aquaponics Point: Flood and drain grow beds are the biological filter in aquaponics systems. In systems consisting of only floating rafts, a traditional biological filter will still be needed. There, we said it twice.
Important Point: As previously stated, There are certain tilapia farming situations where biological filters are not used. Do not use these alternative ammonia removal methods with aquaponics systems. Doing so will starve the Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter thereby eliminating the supply of nitrates for the plants.